This and That

It took me a long time to discover what I wanted to do when I grew up. It wasn't until I retired and began to do what I love most that I found writing had been waiting in the wings all along. I am a Christian writer - more about that if you visit my website "Ecclesia!"and blog "Road to Emmaus" at Here at Wordspinner I just write about this and that. Hope you enjoy.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Accidents Will Happen

Chapter 8

Detective Bucci slammed his palm on the metal interrogation table.  “Miss Evans, I need to know where you got the drugs you took.  The lab says that in normal LSD, less than one percent of the,” Bucci paused to look at his notes, “lie-sir-gick acids, something like that, cross the blood-brain barrier.  They estimate that what you took allows over twenty-five percent, perhaps as high as forty, to cross.  According to the lab, there is no way to anticipate which brain receptors will be blocked and which will not.  While I don’t fully understand what they’re talking about, they say it is extremely dangerous.
“According to the head of the lab, if this gets into the population, it can bring down entire cities.  It could easily contaminate a water supply.  He thinks it could be released as a mist in the air. Where – did – you – get – it?”
Jessica looked at the detectives.  There was only one when the interview started, but now there were two – no, three of him.  Somehow, that didn’t seem fair.  There were only two Rogers in the room with her.  But, they both smiled at her, so she felt a little better.  The Rogers would protect her.
“Jessica, please.  This is vital.  We need to know.”
Eyes closed, her head lolled.  When she finally looked up, both Rogers smiled and nodded.  She smiled back, then turned to the Detective.  “My ex-boyfriend, Tim Leere, gave them to me.  He’s doing post grad work in the University's bio-chem department.  He’s such a sweetie,”
The words were slurred to the extent that it took Detective Bucci a moment to decipher them.  When he did, he rushed out of the interrogation room without closing the door, shouting to someone at a desk to the right.
“Get a hold of Judge Bean.  I need a search warrant.  Move, man!  I need it yesterday.”

Meet the author of this chapter: S. Arthur Yates follows the mantra "If it's reality, I didn't write it." He only writes short stories (and  very few poems.) In fact, he generally takes short as a challenge. He has been published in the international as well as  domestic markets. His longest and shortest stories can be found in "Hapless Halloween - Twenty Five Twisted Tales of Terror and Suspense" (available at for $.99) or follow his blog at writings by

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