This and That

It took me a long time to discover what I wanted to do when I grew up. It wasn't until I retired and began to do what I love most that I found writing had been waiting in the wings all along. I am a Christian writer - more about that if you visit my website "Ecclesia!"and blog "Road to Emmaus" at Here at Wordspinner I just write about this and that. Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Birth of a Bookworm

            I admit it. I’m a bookworm. I like the feel of books, the way pages turn, even the smell of the paper and glue; and that’s not to mention the joy I get from reading anything – fiction or nonfiction.

            It must have been before I was three because we were living in the city at the time when the first library I entered was in an old, dark building with a side entrance.  Many of the books on the lower two shelves (that I could reach) had little gold stars stuck on their binders. I have no idea why those stars were there or why I decided to remove as many as I could while my mother browsed.  I recall we made a fast exit.

            Shortly after that we migrated with the other post war families to the ‘burbs and it soon became apparent a local library was needed.  As an interim measure, the town set up a “library” of sorts in the back room of a department store anchored in one of those new fangled shopping centers. B.Forman Company was an upscale store that specialized in more fashionable clothing lines and right past the shoe department was that magical room.

            It was large enough to house only 5 rows of books, one small table with chairs and one checkout desk. But to me, it was a room full of reading adventures. It was small, cozy and the library lady was very nice as she used a pencil to check out my books. I could stop in any time because it was on the route I walked daily to my school. (Which may I point out, was about a mile away from my home and we were NOT bussed – not even when I was in kindergarten. We walked in bunches and there was one crossing lady. Period.)

            Anyway, now I live in a much larger town and our huge library is one of my favorite places BUT it can’t give the sense of anticipation the back room of the B.Forman Company gave the littlest bookworm.  

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