This and That

It took me a long time to discover what I wanted to do when I grew up. It wasn't until I retired and began to do what I love most that I found writing had been waiting in the wings all along. I am a Christian writer - more about that if you visit my website "Ecclesia!"and blog "Road to Emmaus" at Here at Wordspinner I just write about this and that. Hope you enjoy.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Home Sweet Home

Well,maybe not THIS bad

I’ve decided writers’ homes reflect how well their writing projects are going at any one time. Except for cleaning the house because company is coming, my every day Martha Stewart barometer is more related to deadlines and writers’ block than to a mythical cleaning standard.

Our first home was a tidy little ranch on a street with identical ranches and split levels. It seemed my neighbors’ homes were always spotless. The ladies cleaned constantly, I noticed, to prevent dirt. I mean, if you vacuum and dust every day, how can you experience the “before” and “after” joy of homemaking? Since I never ascribed to prophylactic cleaning, my home is always a surprise – spotless one day, a disaster another. (Why is it no one drops by unexpectedly when the house is clean?)

After staring at the blank page on my monitor for five minutes, I decide I really should clean the fridge instead. One clean fridge later, the thought of drafting that article makes me decide to dust and remove my dog’s nose art from the lower part of the patio door. Perhaps I’ll figure out how to write that scene in my novel while I do the laundry. Anything but write. Result: spotless house but nothing written.

However, when the Muse parks herself in my brain, the house could fall apart and I wouldn’t notice. I’m in the zone. Words are flying. My character is off and doing stuff I never thought of. I’m going to make that deadline for sure.  

So what if I can write my first chapter in the dust on my dresser?  Why vacuum today and pick up a few specks here and there when I can vacuum up so much more tomorrow – after I’ve edited my article.

My advice to anyone considering marrying a writer: learn to ignore your environment or DIY.

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